Saturday, December 5, 2020

On The Highway Of Life

November 15, 2020

On The Highway Of Life

🚗Fill up the car with gas, before getting on the road.

Start your day with prayer, and fuel up on His Word, before things get in motion.

🚗Buckle up, and don't drive too fast.

Be safe. Slow down, choose your words and actions carefully.

🚗Obey the traffic laws, for your own safety, and the safety of others around you. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat others with kindness and generosity, love others. Be slow to anger, and quick to forgive. Speak the truth, don't lie. Don't steal.

🚗Don't compare your car with the other drivers on the road,

don't be arrogant if you drive a nice car, and don't be jealous of those whose car is better than yours.

  Don't compare yourself to other people. Each of us is on a different walk, coming

from individual backgrounds, facing different obstacles and challenges, having

different strengths and weaknesses. God loves us all, and tells us not to compare.

🚗Don't neglect your car when it's time for a tune up, or repair work. It's worth the money to get it running smoothly again.

  Don't neglect your spiritual health, don't overlook matters that need attention

and need to be prayed about. Take yourself in for a tune up on a regular basis with

Jesus, ask Him to inspect your heart, and show you things that need changing.

🚗When driving, don't stare into the rear view mirror. Keep your eyes on the road ahead...or you'll crash.

  Don't keep looking back. Don't dwell on the past, or get lost in memories. God

says He redeems ALL things in the lives of those who love Him, so we can trust that

He will work everything out - everything that we've ever been through - for our

good, and His glory. Keep looking ahead, and keep your eyes on Him.

🚗If you drive with a flat tire, you won't get very far.

Trying to carry on in sin will only slow you down. Repent, confess your sins, and

air up that "flat tire" in your life, whatever that may be.

🚗When driving on the road, stay in your own lane. Don't swerve into the lanes of others. If someone swerves into YOUR lane, you honk the horn, and apply the brakes.

  Boundaries. Respect the boundaries of others, and maintain your own.

🚗If you see another driver acting crazy, you can report it, and a cop will pull them over.

  If you know someone is acting crazy or doing something they shouldn't, you can

pray for them, and God might "pull them over". They might be issued a ticket

(conviction), have to pay a fine (consequences), or if they REALLY messed

up...jail. (Those times when God allows us to reap what we sow - punishment, loss

of freedoms, and sometimes, depending on the severity - death. His patience and

mercy is with us, but if we abuse it, over and over again, and don't heed the

warnings, and don't choose Him and His ways - the day will come when our time is

up, and He'll let us crash...and burn.

🚗Wash your car. Keep it clean.

Repent. Cleanse your heart, be washed in His blood.

When you sin, be quick to confess it, and repent.

How do you follow Jesus?
